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Denver Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoo Removal

It used to be getting a tattoo was a life-long commitment– after all, the alternative was a hodgepodge of lightening creams, abrasive treatments, or a variety of acids, any one of which could be virtually ineffective with the possibility for heavy scarring. Single-color tattoos were difficult to remove, and colored tattoos were nigh on impossible.

Today, approximately 15% of Americans get tattoos, and as many as half regret the decision. The difference is, now there is a reliable option when it comes to tattoo removal: laser treatments.

Laser tattoo removal offers great results at minimized risk. Different lasers are used for different colors, allowing for targeted removal of the various pigmentation inks in the skin. The procedure is relatively simple: each Q-switched laser reacts with one or multiple pigments in a tattoo, causing the color to break down and a reduction in contrast.

Each tattoo is unique, and many factors effect how long it will take to completely remove a tattoo. Coming into play are such things as density of ink, location on the body, skin tone, and whether or not you smoke– that’s right, smoking effects tattoo removal. Typically, 6-12 sessions are expected for full removal.

If you’re serious about getting a tattoo removed, your first step should be to schedule a professional medical assessment with a professional. They can evaluate your individual case and give you an educated estimate.

Posted in: Tattoo Removal, Uncategorized

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