?> From a Wart Removal Client in Denver - Denver Botox and Juvederm Denver Botox and Juvederm

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From a Wart Removal Client in Denver

Let’s face it, warts are gross.  No one wants to talk about them.  If you plantars warts on your feet, like I did, they are easy enough to hide, even if  they aren’t going away.  I was lucky they didn’t become super painful – I have heard horror stories of people who couldn’t walk with their plantar warts without pain.  Luckily, mine were just all over and didn’t hit those painful pressure points.

I have tried about everything.  I tried ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar), duct tape – I even got colored duct tape so it would look cooler, Virus removal potions on the internet, freezing, and I was tired of losing the battle against the warts I had on the heels of my feet.  It didn’t hit a head for me until they started to spread to my fingers.  I am a single guy and the idea of having warts all over my hands and feet didn’t seem like an awesome idea to me.   If I had to guess, I may have had about 30 warts between my hands and my feet.  Not cool.

I went in for a consultation and Dr Lee was cool.  He didn’t say what my mom did – “That’s kind of gross, you need to get that fixed…” He looked at the warts and said, “Wow, you have a lot of warts, we can take care of this.” – I asked what he felt the chances were that he could get rid of them and he said, “100% – I am sure we can.  It may take more than 1 treatment, but we will get them.”

I had my first treatment in April.  I will be honest, he went in deeper into my skin than I expected.  I guess the roots were pretty deeply embedded.  I sat there, it wasn’t painful because it was numbed.  I had thought about going to the place I have had laser hair removal for this, but after I was done, this would have been a silly idea and complete waste of time.

Now I had a big open wound on the bottom of my feet that I had to take care of for a few weeks to ensure it didn’t get infected or anything.  Changing dressings and applying Neosporin in the AM and before bed.  Not the end of the world, but walking around didn’t feel super great.  This process is more aggressive and for people, who like me, had tried about everything with no results.

3 or 4 weeks passed and my foot was pretty much healed.   I went back in and a lot of the warts were gone, but some survived.  I have no idea how these things survive – everything…  but some did.  Treatment number 2 – this one was a lot easier as Dr Lee didn’t need to go as deep into my foot.  The warts on my fingers were gone.

Treatment 2 – a few more weeks of bandages.  This process is a little bit of work, but if you are tired of warts – you have to be aggressive.  They don’t just go away on their own.  Now the second treatment is pretty much healed up and I am awaiting to make sure all of them are gone.  The bottom of my foot looks a lot better, I will send in some pictures when it is fully healed as I don’t want to send one now and have people think the wound is a normal end result.

I didn’t like the laser wart removal treatment when it was happening, and I didn’t like how long it took to heal (I am impatient), but I love how much more effective it has been.  I have been buying creams, freezes, homeopathic tinctures, and dealing with these for over 5 years.  Now a month and a half later, they appear to be gone.  So, I would suggest this to anyone who feels like they have tried about everything.  I especially appreciated the fact Dr Lee said he would help me until they were gone at 1 fixed price he told me before we started any of the sessions.

I hope yours go away with simple pads or home remedies, if you are like me, you may need laser wart removal here in Denver and Dr Lee did a great job.  Isn’t it time time to win this battle?

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